Service Funding Options


Psychological services are not covered under the Medical Services Plan (MSP) of BC. However, a range of funding sources is available:


Extended Health Benefits: Those who are covered either by their own or a family member’s extended health benefits program may submit my receipts for reimbursement as outlined by that program. Please check with the benefits plan to confirm the annual coverage for services from a Registered Psychologist. Please also confirm the method by which the program manages billing and reimbursement.


Disability Insurance: If you are receiving short-term or long-term disability benefits from an insurance company, psychological services may be funded. The case manager is often required to pre-approve the services.


Crime Victim Assistance Program: If you have mental health concerns as a result of having been the victim of a reported crime, you may qualify for funding for related psychological services. See the CVAP webpage to better understand this program. 


Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program: For information, please see Health Canada website


RCMP Members: Member cards are accepted.


Veterans Affairs Canada: Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) has a wide range of mental health services, support and information for veterans and their families. For information on what is offered, please consult the VAC mental health webpage


Income Tax Deduction: Fees for psychological services are included as medical expense deductions from income tax. For further information, please ask your tax preparation expert and see the Canadian Revenue Agency webpage: 


The Victim Fund: The Department of Justice has several funding options for victims of violence and violent crimes. For more information, please consult The Victim Fund.


Third Party:  Psycho-legal and court-related services are invoiced as arranged at the time of referral.


Access to psychological services can also be arranged through WorkSafe BC, First Nations Health Services, Income Assistance, Addiction Services, Community Mental Health Services, or local hospitals

Ethics, Standards and Conduct expected from a Psychologist

Psychologists: Finding the right one and

what to expect  

What to do in case of a concern